finding a new home - and a new opportunity
Thank you for joining me here for this quiet little conversation, taking a moment to be with these thoughts, words and images.
I'm very honoured to share that the painting 'into the deep' has found a permanent home in a beautiful, uplifting home. It is such a gift to hear the ways a painting is experienced and enjoyed in people's homes and lives.
My deepest wish for my paintings is that they will nurture feelings of peace, serenity, and joy.
liminal (passageways #9)
I'm also delighted to tell you that several of my paintings have been accepted to be represented by the online art gallery The gallery brings together interior designers and Canadian artists. The gallery also donates a percentage of it's profits to support organizations such as the Indigenous Residential School Survivors, making this a win win win. I'll have more to share as we go forward but for now these three paintings are going to be represented by the gallery:
liminal (passageways #9)
sea dreams (beaches #6)
serenity found (passageways #10)
sea dreams (beaches #6)
serenity found (passageways #10)
And as always, I want to express my gratitude to be living and working on the ancestral & unceded territories of the hən̓̓qəmin̓əm̓ and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh speaking peoples.I honour the incredible depths of grace, courage and perseverance of Indigenous Peoples, and look to them as an example as they find their voices amidst the noise and obfuscation of colonization.
until next time,