first photo shoot images - the words fell gently from the sky

cloth painting thread dye stitch blue minimalist

the words fell gently from the sky (juxtapositions #1)


cloth, dye, thread mounted on custom designed and fabricated metal

Thank you for joining me here for this quiet little conversation, taking a moment to be with these thoughts, words and images.

This week has been all behind the scenes work: a whole lot of photography, a whole lot of image processing and a whole lot of website page building, all the beautiful infrastructure to support bringing these paintings to you in a way that honours both you and the artwork. 


Every time I do a photo shoot of my art I'm grateful for the investment many years ago in hiring a professional art photographer to come to my studio and teach me how to set up the lighting, how to set up my camera and then how to do the processing in image management software. I'm grateful for note taking skills honed in university classes and well used during a career in the tech world to ensure I can repeat the steps even though I do them fairly infrequently.


Interestingly as I've been creating the photographs, and processing the resulting images, some of the paintings have been quietly revealing their names. More to come...for now, I'm leaving you with this serene and elegant setting for the second juxtapositions painting.

from beyond the horizon there came a message (juxtapositions #2)

And as always, I want to express my gratitude to be living and working on the ancestral & unceded territories of the hən̓̓qəmin̓əm̓ and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh speaking peoples.I honour the incredible depths of grace, courage and perseverance of Indigenous Peoples, and look to them as an example as they find their voices amidst the noise and obfuscation of colonization.

until next time,



balance and equilibrium- an alternate to temperance


the stories we tell - modifying the trajectory of our lives