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and the sky was soft like cloth - words and images celebrating juxtapositions #4

Thank you for joining me here for this quiet little conversation, taking a moment to be with these thoughts, words and images.

I went walking in the cold frosty woods this morning bundled up in a wool coat and hat, mohair mittens and a delicious red scarf. Birds flitting from branch to branch, colourful leaves floating down from the trees and blue blue sky promising a bright sunny day. Such a gift to walk freely, enjoying the simplicity of the way the fir trees stretch high in this little forest, the maples, alders and cottonwoods nestled underneath.


At various times in my life I've wished for big fancy expensive things partially because i love beautiful things but partially as a way to feel valued and appreciated. This last year i've felt a release from that need and while I definitely still enjoy beautiful things for beauty's sake I feel a freedom from needing to possess them.


My life is getting simpler and more graceful as time goes on, and while i will always dream of a home near the sea, with a garden and a stone patio and a beautiful art studio i'm learning to deeply appreciate the simple pleasures available in the current configuration of life.

And as always, I want to express my gratitude to be living and working on the ancestral & unceded territories of the hən̓̓qəmin̓əm̓ and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh speaking peoples.I honour the incredible depths of grace, courage and perseverance of Indigenous Peoples, and look to them as an example as they find their voices amidst the noise and obfuscation of colonization.

until next time,
